Roadworks location data

Data Providers
Data Category
Update Frequency
As and when necessary

The Transport Department (TD) is cooperating with the Highways Department (HyD) to open up HyD’s roadworks Information (for HyD’s roadworks involving lane closure on public roads with a speed limit of 70km/hr or above) such as approximate locations, works status, affected traffic lane, works type, works period and etc.

Users can read the latest roadworks location data of HyD’s roadworks which are either in progress or under preparation (to be commenced within 12 hours) via this page and data resources as shown below refers to JSON format of the said roadworks location data.

Data Dictionar(ies)

Data Resources
0 Data Resources


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    Download Historical Data
    We have gathered historical data for your convenience. Historical data is the previous version(s) of a file(s). Specify a date range and add to the download queue.
    Additional Information
    TD General Enquiry Hotline