District Council Geographical Constituency Boundaries of the 2023 District Council Ordinary Election

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As and when necessary
Disclaimer: 1. The boundary maps of District Council geographical constituencies in respect of the 2023 District Council Ordinary Election are only applicable to the 2023 District Council Ordinary Election to be held in 2023 and the by-elections to be held afterwards. 2. The boundary maps of District Council geographical constituencies in respect of the 2023 District Council Ordinary Election published by the Registration and Electoral Office shall prevail in all circumstances. Please visit the Electoral Affairs Commission’s website for the relevant boundary maps. 3. The mapping information related to the boundary maps of District Council geographical constituencies in respect of the 2023 District Council Ordinary Election is protected by copyright owned by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“the Government”). No express or implied warranty is given to the accuracy or completeness of such mapping information or its appropriateness for use in any particular circumstances. The Government is not responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from any cause whatsoever in connection with such mapping information or with this website.


District Council Geographical Constituency Boundaries of the 2023 District Council Ordinary Election

Owner of the Intellectual Property Rights for this Dataset:
Electoral Affairs Commission


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