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Current air quality health index range and forecast
Data Providers
Environmental Protection Department
Data Category
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Update Frequency
AQHI: hourly / Forecast: 00:30, 10:30 and 16:30 everyday and as required


Current range and forecast of Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) at general and roadside stations.

The Environmental Protection Department releases AQHI information hourly to inform the public of the short-term health risk of air pollution in Hong Kong and helps the public take precautionary measures to protect their health. The AQHIs are reported on a scale of 1 to 10 and 10+ and are grouped into five AQHI health risk categories with health advice provided. This is particularly useful for children, the elderly and those with heart or respiratory illnesses who need to take precautions when the health risk levels are high. The AQHI forecast also advises the public before the onset of high health risk categories due to pollution episodes.

Please refer to the thematic page of AQHI for more information.

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