Notice: 2024.07.25
Starting from 25th July, 2024, the datasets of the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and the then Efficiency Office have been provided by the Digital Policy Office. The data resource URLs and related data dictionaries for some of these datasets have been changed. Please refer to the dataset announcements of relevant datasets for more details.

Water Dispensers in LCSD venues

Update Frequency


Public can refer to the list of water dispensers in the LCSD venues includes the name of the venues, location of water dispensers, type of water dispensers, number of water dispensers, opening hours of the venues and water temperature.

Data Dictionar(ies)

3 CSV file(s)1 API(s)

Data Resources 4

4 Data Resources
0 Items Selected

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We have gathered historical data for your convenience. Historical data is the previous version(s) of a file(s). Specify a date range and select the data you wish to download.

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2025-03-17 - 2025-03-17
2025-03-17 - 2025-03-17