Boundaries of New Towns (for 2011 Population Census)
Data Resource Details
Boundaries of New Towns |
Data Providers
Planning Department |
Data Category
Population |
Available |
Update Frequency
Every five years |
Boundaries of New Towns adopted in 2011 Population Census.
In translating the boundaries of New Towns for 2011 Population Census to digital format, reference has been made to different topographic maps, which may of various scales, prepared by Survey and Mapping Office, Lands Department available at the time of compilation. Since the geographical features on these maps may be updated from time to time, the New Town boundaries may not tally with the latest situation. Users are responsible for making their own assessment of the obtained data and are advised to verify such information before acting on it.
Additional Information of Data Resource
Date Created
2022-06-27 |
Date Published
2022-06-27 |
Content Language
English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese |
The latest version before the selected start date is provided for your convenience