Traffic Data of Strategic / Major Roads

Data Providers
Data Category
Update Frequency
Every 1 minute (Raw Data). Every 2 minutes (Processed Data)


Traffic data from traffic detectors installed on strategic routes / major roads including traffic volume, traffic speed and road occupancy (Raw Data).

Traffic speeds from traffic detectors installed on strategic routes / major roads mapped onto the respective road network segments (Processed Data).

Data Dictionar(ies)

2 CSV file(s)2 XML file(s)1 API(s)

Data Resources 5

5 Data Resources
0 Items Selected

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We have gathered historical data for your convenience. Historical data is the previous version(s) of a file(s). Specify a date range and select the data you wish to download.

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2025-01-10 - 2025-01-10
2025-01-10 - 2025-01-10