Data related to Quarterly Accounts of the Government Published in the Gazette (Jun 2020) (English) (CSV)
Data Resource Details
Data related to Quarterly Accounts of the Government Published in the Gazette |
Data Providers
Treasury |
Data Category
Finance |
Last updated on
08/08/2020 |
Update Frequency
Every Quarter |
The datasets for Quarterly Accounts of the Government Published in the Gazette are provided in machine-readable CSV format. Please refer to the Tresuary's website for textual version of the accounts. If there is any inconsistency between the textual version and CSV version about the data concerned, the textual version shall prevail.
Download Historical Data
We have gathered historical data for your convenience. Historical data is the previous version(s) of a file(s). Specify a date range and select the data you wish to download.
Additional Information of Data Resource
Date Created
2020-08-07 |
Date Published
2020-08-07 |
Content Language
English |
The latest version before the selected start date is provided for your convenience