Ferry Service Timetables, Faretables and Estimated Time of Arrival Data of Hong Kong & Kowloon Ferry

Data Category
Update Frequency
Estimated time of arrival (ETA) data updates every 1 minute. Other dataset update upon there is any adjustment.


Routes, Piers Location, Timetables, Fares and Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) data of Hong Kong & Kowloon Ferry Limited. We provide 3 data resources in JSON and 2 data resources in csv format. For details of content and relationship, please refer to Data Dictionary and API specifications. Please check the website of Hong Kong & Kowloon Ferry Limited for the temporary alternation or special arrangement of ferry schedule.

Owner of the Intellectual Property Rights for this Dataset:
Hong Kong & Kowloon Ferry Limited
Data Dictionar(ies)

Supplementary Document


Data Resources

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    Additional Information

    Hong Kong & Kowloon Ferry Limited

    Datasets Recommended

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