Notice: 2024.07.25
Starting from 25th July, 2024, the datasets of the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and the then Efficiency Office have been provided by the Digital Policy Office. The data resource URLs and related data dictionaries for some of these datasets have been changed. Please refer to the dataset announcements of relevant datasets for more details.


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Water Supplies Department
Total 68 results
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Temporary Water Suspension Notices

Water Supplies Department
Data on Temporary Water Suspension Notices with date, time and address affected will be made available in machine-readable format (CSV) for access through PSI Portal

Unit Electricity Consumption (Fresh Water and Raw Water)

Water Supplies Department
Provide Statistics on Unit Electricity Consumption (Fresh Water and Raw Water)

Per Capita Domestic Fresh Water Consumption

Water Supplies Department
Provide Statistics on Per Capita Domestic Fresh Water Consumption

Drinking Water Quality (Full Report)

Water Supplies Department
Provide Statistics on Drinking Water Quality (Full Report)

GHG Emissions due to Electricity Used for Fresh Water Processing by WSD

Water Supplies Department
Provide Statistics on GHG Emissions due to Electricity Used for Fresh Water Processing by WSD

Catchwater - Engineered Drainage Systems

Water Supplies Department
A list of catchwater with name and length. The multiple file formats are available for dataset download in API

Temporary Water Suspension Notices

Water Supplies Department
Provide information on water supply suspension cases (such as District Affected, Suspension Effective Time, Water Supply Type, Suspension Type and Current Status, etc.)

Catchwater - Catchment Areas and Subcatchment Areas

Water Supplies Department
A list of water treatment works with official name, water type, output capacity and location. The multiple file formats are available for dataset download in API

Carbon Audit Report

Water Supplies Department
Provide Statistics on Carbon Audit Report

Length of Water Mains and Tunnel

Water Supplies Department
Provide Information on Length of Water Mains and Tunnel
Showing 1 - 12 of 68 results

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