Notice: 2024.07.25
Starting from 25th July, 2024, the datasets of the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and the then Efficiency Office have been provided by the Digital Policy Office. The data resource URLs and related data dictionaries for some of these datasets have been changed. Please refer to the dataset announcements of relevant datasets for more details.


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Legislative Council
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Meeting Schedule

Legislative Council
This data set contains schedules of meetings and activities of the Legislative Council and its committees held in the current month, the past three months and the following three months since the Fifth Legislative Council. It consists of hyperlinks to respective home pages or agenda of individual committees. For use of the data provided by the Legislative Council, please note the disclaimer and copyright notice at
JSONXMLAPI available

Questions at Legislative Council meetings

Legislative Council
This data set contains questions raised by Members on the work of the Government at Council meetings since the Fifth Legislative Council. It consists of subjects of the questions, Members who raised the questions and hyperlinks to the corresponding sections of Hansard. For use of the data provided by the Legislative Council, please note the disclaimer and copyright notice at
JSONXMLAPI available

Voting Result Database

Legislative Council
This data set contains voting results of the Council, House Committee, Finance Committee and its Subcommittees since the Fifth Legislative Council. It consists of the motions moved, questions put, division of votes and votes of individual Members. For use of the data provided by the Legislative Council, please note the disclaimer and copyright notice at
JSONXMLAPI available

Reference Data

Legislative Council
This data set contains the basic information about the Legislative Council since the Fifth Legislative Council. It consists of the terms and sessions of the Legislative Council, and lists of Members and committees with respective membership. For use of the data provided by the Legislative Council, please note the disclaimer and copyright notice at
JSONXMLAPI available

Legislative Council Webcast System

Legislative Council
This data set contains the live and archived broadcast of all open meetings and press conferences of the Council and its committees since the Fifth Legislative Council. It consists of both audio and video webcast. For use of the data provided by the Legislative Council, please note the disclaimer and copyright notice at
JSONXMLAPI available

Bills Database

Legislative Council
This data set contains information on bills considered by the Council since 1906. It consists of the key dates relating to the passage of a bill, relevant papers and reports of the bill and the Bills Committee, as well as hyperlinks to the Bill's deliberations in Council meetings. For use of the data provided by the Legislative Council, please note the disclaimer and copyright notice at
JSONXMLAPI available
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 results

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