Address Lookup Service

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  1. Address Lookup Service is a web service providing lookup function on Hong Kong address records in both Chinese and English aggregated from various Government Bureaux/Departments. This web service allows data consumers to look up address records in machine-readable format (XML or JSON) using address element information. It aims to facilitate development of applications with the need to capture Hong Kong address information more efficiently and accurately.
  2. The Address Lookup Service covers most of the premises in Hong Kong, including for example private and public housing estates, commercial and industrial buildings, government buildings and offices, markets and shopping centers; and common facilities such as recreation and sports centres.
  3. This service also includes unofficial descriptions of buildings which are long established addresses in rural areas of the New Territories and are generally accepted by the public.
  4. The choice of name for a building is a matter for the owner, and at present there is no controlling legislation. The inclusion of a building name in this service confers no proprietary right to it or any part of it.
  5. As there are no regulations requiring owners or developers to report or register building names, the Address Lookup Service is not exhaustive and the accuracy of its contents cannot be guaranteed. Nonetheless, every effort has been made to include all known names and to check the correctness of entries. We welcome notifications from any source of new names, changes in existing names, the discontinuation of the use of names, and any omissions or errors in this service.
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