Estimated arrival time of a specific bus stop for Citybus and New Lantao Bus

Data Category
Update Frequency
ETA within 1 minute. Other data is updated daily or as necessary
Starting from 25th Jul 2024, the base path for this dataset's dictionary has been changed from "" to "". The remaining path and file name remain the same.


This dataset provides APIs that return the complete list of routes or Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) of a specific bus stop by preforming batch operations behind the scenes on ETA APIs provided by Citybus Limited and New Lantao Bus Company (1973) Limited.

For a complete list of Citybus stop ID, refer to Citybus's Bus Stop data and Bus Stop List of specific Route data APIs. See source(s) section below.

For a complete list of New Lantao Bus stop ID, refer to New Lantao Bus's Stops of a route API. See source(s) section below.

Data Dictionar(ies)


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