Real-time “Next Bus” arrival time and related data of Citybus.

Data Providers
Data Category
Update Frequency
Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) data updated every 1 minute. Other data set update upon there is any adjustment.
(a) The V2 API is now available for public access to real-time "Next Bus" arrival time and related data for Citybus. To ensure uninterrupted data access in the future, it is recommended to transition to the V2 API. Please refer to the API Specification for more details. The V1.0 and V1.1 API versions will be discontinued soon. (b) All New World First Bus routes already integrated into Citybus. Users can continue to use the Citybus API for accessing real-time "Next Bus" arrival time and related data for all routes operating by Citybus, including those routes operated by New World First Bus before 1 July 2023. Data of all routes are available under the {company_id} "CTB" in the API.

Routes, Bus Stops and real-time Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) data of Ciytbus.

We provide 5 data resources in JSON format. For details of content and relationship, please refer to Data Dictionary and API specifications.

Owner of the Intellectual Property Rights for this Dataset:
Citybus Limited
Data Dictionar(ies)

Supplementary Document

Data Resources
0 Data Resources


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