Raster Grids on Land Utilization
The Land Utilization in Hong Kong (LUHK) is a broad-brush presentation of distribution of land uses in Hong Kong, compiled using the updated satellite images, in-house survey information of the Planning Department, and other relevant information from various government departments (the dates on which the satellite images were taken and on which the information was collected are shown in the associated data description files). The LUHK raster grids have a spatial resolution of 10m. The area of land uses are approximated to the nearest square km. The data is not designed or intended for detailed analysis or calculation purposes.As definitions of some land use classes and methodology are updated from time to time, the figures this year may not be comparable directly to those provided in previous years.
The datasets are available for download in API.
Data Resources 6
2018 Raster Grids on Land UtilizationAPI Available
2019 Raster Grids on Land UtilizationAPI Available
2020 Raster Grids on Land UtilizationAPI Available
2021 Raster Grids on Land UtilizationAPI Available
2022 Raster Grids on Land UtilizationAPI Available
2023 Raster Grids on Land UtilizationAPI Available
Additional Information
The latest version before the selected start date is provided for your convenience