Notice: 2024.07.25
Starting from 25th July, 2024, the datasets of the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and the then Efficiency Office have been provided by the Digital Policy Office. The data resource URLs and related data dictionaries for some of these datasets have been changed. Please refer to the dataset announcements of relevant datasets for more details.

Traffic snapshot images

Data Providers
Data Category
Update Frequency
Every 2 minutes


The traffic snapshot images are captured by the closed circuit televisions (CCTV) and the traffic detectors installed at major roads in Hong Kong for you to visualise the latest traffic conditions.

Response format: Method 1: JPEG (image size 320 x 240)

Method 2: JPEG (image size 320 x 240) base64-encoded in XML

HTTP method: GET

Request Path Method 1: Example:

Method 2: Example:

For parameters, please refer to: Data resources of CCTV camera locations information

Usage note HTTP status 301 or 302 may be returned. In this case, redirection should be followed and the image should be retrieved from the forwarded URL.

If the Traffic Snapshot Images are temporarily unavailable, the "No Service" image will be shown.

Data Dictionar(ies)

3 XML file(s)3 CSV file(s)1 API(s)987 JPEG file(s)

Data Resources 994

994 Data Resources
0 Items Selected

Download Historical Data

We have gathered historical data for your convenience. Historical data is the previous version(s) of a file(s). Specify a date range and select the data you wish to download.

Additional Information

TD General Enquiry Hotline

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Please enable the access to unlock the full functionality of the website.

2025-03-13 - 2025-03-13
2025-03-13 - 2025-03-13