Notice: 2024.07.25
Starting from 25th July, 2024, the datasets of the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and the then Efficiency Office have been provided by the Digital Policy Office. The data resource URLs and related data dictionaries for some of these datasets have been changed. Please refer to the dataset announcements of relevant datasets for more details.


Selected filters:
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Total 47 results
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Territory-wide Terrestrial Habitat Map of Hong Kong

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Information of Territory-wide Terrestrial Habitat Map of Hong Kong in GeoTiff format
APIAPI available

Update of Red Tide Situation

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Information of red tide sighted in Hong Kong waters including species and location

Supply of major fresh food (reference figures)

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Daily supply of major fresh food in Hong Kong in CSV format

Information on Licensed Livestock Farms

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Information on Licensed Livestock Farms, including the type and location of the livestock farms
APIAPI available

Shelters in Country Parks

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Location information of Shelters in Country Parks
APICSVAPI available

Hiking Trails in Country Parks

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Location information of Hiking Trails in Country Parks

Animal Management Centres and Dog Inoculation Centres

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Information of locations, contact details, types of services offered and operational hours for Animal Management Centres and Dog Inoculation Centres
APIAPI available

Distance Post of Hiking Trails and Mountain Bike Trails

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Location of Distance Posts of Hiking Trails and Mountain Bike Trails in Country Parks
APICSVAPI available
Showing 1 - 12 of 47 results

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