Headway information of public transport services

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Update Frequency
Combined Traditional Chinese, English and Simplified Chinese versions of headway information of public transport services into single dataset. Introduced fare information of public transport services. Improved update frequency to biweekly.

Headway information of different means of public transport services

You will download total of 30 files in General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) format and 1 file in Comma-Separated Values (CSV) format containing headway information of different public transport services and last update date of this dataset respectively. Cross reference to the dataset is supported. Please refer to Data Dictionary for more information about the content and relationship of these files.

Please check the websites of public transport operators for temporary route diversion arrangement.

Data Dictionar(ies)

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    We have gathered historical data for your convenience. Historical data is the previous version(s) of a file(s). Specify a date range and add to the download queue.
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    TD General Enquiry Hotline