Survey on Business Establishments in Kowloon East 2018
The main objectives of the "Survey on Business Establishments in Kowloon East 2018" are to collect and analyse the profile of the business establishments in different types of premises in Kowloon East, and to understand their past considerations and aspirations regarding the choice of business locations and premises, and their operational needs.
The multiple file formats are available for dataset download in API.
The statistical tables provided herein should be read alongside with the Final Report of the “Survey on Business Establishments in Kowloon East 2018” (2018 Survey) (link:, particularly the Points to Note on page 5 of the English version and the analyses of each statistical table, for proper interpretation of the data. The base and note of each statistical table are also provided in the description of the corresponding data resource.
The statistical tables provided herein are compiled in machine-readable format, and thus their layout and data presentation may be different from the statistical tables in the Final Report of the 2018 Survey.
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Data Resources
Table 2.1: Building completion year by building type (English Version)
Table 2.2: Industry mainly engaged in by building type (English Version)
Table 2.3: Industry mainly engaged in by district (English Version)
Table 2.4: Industry mainly engaged in by building completion year (English Version)
Table 2.5: Major functions / operations in the present work location by building type (English Version)
Table 2.6: Major functions / operations in the present work location by industry (English Version)
Table 2.7: Location(s) of service targets / clients by industry (English Version)
Table 2.8: Location(s) of service targets / clients by major functions / operations (English Version)
Table 2.9: Internal floor area of the present work location by building type (English Version)
Table 2.10: Internal floor area of the present work location by district (English Version)
Table 2.11 Estimated total internal floor area of all establishments by building type and district (English Version)
Table 2.12: Internal floor area of the present work location by industry (English Version)
Table 2.13: Estimated total internal floor area of all establishments by building type and industry (English Version)
Table 2.14: Primary function / operation in the present work location by internal floor area (English Version)
Table 2.15: Number of persons who worked in the present work location by building type (English Version)
Table 2.16: Number of persons who worked in the present work location by district (English Version)
Table 2.17: Number of persons who worked in the present work location by industry (English Version)
Table 2.18: Number of persons who worked in the present work location by internal floor area (English Version)
Table 2.19: Internal floor area per person who worked in the present work location by building type (English Version)
Table 2.20: Internal floor area per person who worked in the present work location by district (English Version)
Table 2.21: Internal floor area per person who worked in the present work location by industry (English Version)
Table 2.22: Internal floor area per person who worked in the present work location by primary function / operation (English Version)
Table 2.23: Work arrangement by building type (English Version)
Table 2.24: Work arrangement by district (English Version)
Table 2.25: Work arrangement by district (English Version)
Table 2.26: Tenure of the present work location by building type (English Version)
Table 2.27: Tenure of the present work location by district (English Version)
Table 2.28: Tenure of the present work location by industry (English Version)
Table 2.29: Tenure of the present work location by internal floor area (English Version)
Table 2.30: Monthly rent of the present work location by building type (English Version)
Table 2.31: Monthly rent of the present work location by district (English Version)
Table 2.32: Monthly rent of the present work location by building completion year (English Version)
Table 2.33: Monthly rent of the present work location by industry (English Version)
Table 2.34: Monthly rent of the present work location by primary function / operation (English Version)
Table 2.35: Monthly rent of the present work location by Internal floor area (English Version)
Table 2.36: Whether the present work location was the head office by building type (English Version)
Table 2.37: Whether the present work location was the head office by industry (English Version)
Table 2.38: Whether the present work location was the head office by major functions / operations (English Version)
Table 2.39: Whether managed office / work station in the Mainland China by industry (English Version)
Table 2.40: Duration of locating in the present work location by building type (English Version)
Table 2.41: Duration of locating in the present work location by district (English Version)
Table 2.42: Duration of locating in the present work location by industry (English Version)
Table 2.43: Duration of locating in the present work location by tenure (English Version)
Table 2.44: History of locating in the present work location by building type (English Version)
Table 2.45: History of locating in the present work location by industry (English Version)
Table 2.46: History of locating in the present work location by tenure (English Version)
Table 2.47: History of locating in the present work location by duration of locating in the present work location (English Version)
Table 2.48: Location of the previous work location by building type (English Version)
Table 2.49: Location of the previous work location by duration of locating in the present work location (English Version)
Table 2.50: History of locating in Kowloon East by building type (English Version)
Table 2.51: History of locating in Kowloon East by industry (English Version)
Table 2.52: History of locating in Kowloon East by duration of locating in the present work location (English Version)
Table 2.53: Type of building previously located in / expanded from by building type (English Version)
Table 2.54: The most important factor and reason of leaving / not expanding at the previous work location by history of locating in Kowloon East (English Version)
Table 2.55: Major factors/reasons of leaving/not expanding at the previous work location – by type of building previously located in / expanded from (establishments currently located in industrial buildings) (English Version)
Table 2.56: Major factors/reasons of leaving/not expanding at the previous work location – by type of building previously located in / expanded from (establishments currently located in office buildings) (English Version)
Table 2.57: Comparison between the present work location and the previous one by building type (English Version)
Table 2.58: Comparison between the present work location and the previous one by district (English Version)
Table 2.59: Comparison between the present work location and the previous one by history of locating in Kowloon East (English Version)
Table 2.60: The most important factor and reason of choosing / expanding at the present work location by building type (English Version)
Table 2.61: The most important factor and reason of choosing / expanding at the present work location by district (English Version)
Table 2.62: The most important factor and reason of choosing / expanding at the present work location by industry (English Version)
Table 2.63: The most important factor and reason of choosing / expanding at the present work location by tenure (English Version)
Table 2.64: The most important factor and reason of choosing / expanding at the present work location by history of locating in Kowloon East (English Version)
Table 2.65: Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of location by building type (English Version)
Table 2.66: Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of location by industry (English Version)
Table 2.67: Satisfaction level of the present location in respect of each factor by building type (English Version)
Table 2.68: Satisfaction level of the present location in respect of each factor by district (English Version)
Table 2.69: Satisfaction level of the present location in respect of each factor by history of locating in Kowloon East (English Version)
Table 2.70: Overall satisfaction level towards the present location by district (English Version)
Table 2.71: Overall satisfaction level towards the present location by industry (English Version)
Table 2.72: Overall satisfaction level towards the present location by history of locating in Kowloon East (English Version)
Table 2.73: Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of building by building type (English Version)
Table 2.74: Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of building by industry (English Version)
Table 2.75: Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of building by major functions / operations (English Version)
Table 2.76 Satisfaction level of the present building in respect of each factor by building type (English Version)
Table 2.77: Satisfaction level of the present building in respect of each factor by industry (English Version)
Table 2.78: Satisfaction level of the present building in respect of each factor by major functions / operations (English Version)
Table 2.79: Overall satisfaction level towards the present building by building type (English Version)
Table 2.80: Overall satisfaction level towards the present building by major functions / operations (English Version)
Table 2.81: Overall satisfaction level towards the present building by internal floor area (English Version)
Table 2.82: Overall satisfaction level towards the present building by monthly rent (English Version)
Table 2.83: Expected changes of the establishments in the coming 5 years by building type (English Version)
Table 2.84: Expected changes of the establishments in the coming 5 years by industry (English Version)
Table 2.85: Expected changes of the establishments in the coming 5 years by major functions / operations (English Version)
Table 2.86: Expected changes of the establishments in the coming 5 years by monthly rent (English Version)
Table 2.87: Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires by building type (English Version)
Table 2.88: Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires by district (English Version)
Table 2.89: Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires by industry (English Version)
Table 2.90: Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires by internal floor area (English Version)
Table 2.91: Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires by monthly rent (English Version)
Table 2.92 Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires by history of locating in Kowloon East (English Version)
Table 2.93: Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires by overall satisfaction level towards the present location (English Version)
Table 2.94: Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires by overall satisfaction level towards the present building (English Version)
Table 2.95: The most important factor and reason for expecting to leave the present work location by building type (English Version)
Table 2.96: The most important factor and reason for expecting to leave the present work location by district (English Version)
Table 2.97: Most important factor and reason for expecting to leave the present work location by industry (English Version)
Table 2.98: Most important factor and reason for expecting to leave the present work location by history of establishment located in Kowloon East (English Version)
Table 2.99: Preference for Hong Kong / other places outside Hong Kong if deciding to relocate in the future by industry (English Version)
Table 2.100: Preference for Hong Kong / other places outside Hong Kong if deciding to relocate in the future by major functions / operations (English Version)
Table 2.101: Preference for Hong Kong / other places outside Hong Kong if deciding to relocate in the future by overall satisfaction level towards the present location (English Version)
Table 2.102: Preferred districts in Hong Kong if deciding to relocate in the future by building type (English Version)
Table 2.103: Preferred districts in Hong Kong if deciding to relocate in the future by industry (English Version)
Table 2.104: Preferred districts in Hong Kong if deciding to relocate in the future by major functions / operations (English Version)
Table 2.105: Preferred districts in Hong Kong if deciding to relocate in the future by history of locating in Kowloon East (English Version)
Table 2.106: Preferred districts in Hong Kong if deciding to relocate in the future by overall satisfaction level towards the present location (English Version)
Table 2.107: The most important factor and reason of moving to the most preferred location in Hong Kong if deciding to relocate in the future by most preferred district if deciding to relocate (English Version)
Table 2.108: Type of building that was most preferred if deciding to relocate in the future by building type (English Version)
Table 2.109: Type of building that was most preferred if deciding to relocate in the future by district (English Version)
Table 2.110: Type of building that was most preferred if deciding to relocate in the future by industry (English Version)
Table 2.111: Type of building that was most preferred if deciding to relocate in the future by major functions / operations (English Version)
Table 2.112: Reason(s) for the preference for moving to industrial building by primary function/operation (English Version)
Table 3.1: Manufacturing industry – Building type (English Version)
Table 3.2: Manufacturing industry – District (English Version)
Table 3.3: Manufacturing industry - Building completion year (English Version)
Table 3.4: Manufacturing industry - Detailed manufacturing activities (English Version)
Table 3.5: Manufacturing industry - Major functions / operations in the present work location (English Version)
Table 3.6: Manufacturing industry - Internal floor area of the present work location by major functions/operations (English Version)
Table 3.7: Manufacturing industry - Number of persons who worked in the present work location (English Version)
Table 3.8: Manufacturing industry - Tenure of present work location (English Version)
Table 3.9: Manufacturing industry - Monthly rent of the present work location by major functions/operations (English Version)
Table 3.10: Manufacturing industry - Duration of establishment located in the present work location (English Version)
Table 3.11: Manufacturing industry - History of establishment located in Kowloon East (English Version)
Table 3.12: Manufacturing industry - Reasons for choosing / expanding at the present work location (English Version)
Table 3.13: Manufacturing industry - Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of location (English Version)
Table 3.14: Manufacturing industry - Satisfaction level of the present location in respect of each factor and overall satisfaction (English Version)
Table 3.15: Manufacturing industry - Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of building (English Version)
Table 3.16: Manufacturing industry - Satisfaction level of the present building in respect of each factor and overall satisfaction (English Version)
Table 3.17: Manufacturing industry - Expected changes of the establishments in the coming 5 years (English Version)
Table 3.18: Manufacturing industry - Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires (English Version)
Table 3.19: Manufacturing industry - Major reasons for expecting to leave the present work location (English Version)
Table 3.20: Manufacturing industry - Preferred location if deciding to relocate in the future (English Version)
Table 3.21: Manufacturing industry - The most important factor and reason for preferring the most preferred district in HK if deciding to relocate in the future (English Version)
Table 3.22: Manufacturing industry - The most important factor and reason for considering to relocate to other places outside HK (English Version)
Table 3.23: Manufacturing industry - Type of building that was most preferred if deciding to relocate in the future (English Version)
Table 3.24: Manufacturing industry – Reasons for the preference for moving to industrial building in the future (English Version)
Table 3.25: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Building type (English Version)
Table 3.26: Arts, cultural and creative uses – District (English Version)
Table 3.27: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Primary function / operation in the present work location – By tenure (English Version)
Table 3.28: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Internal floor area of the present work location (English Version)
Table 3.29: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Number of persons who worked in the present work location (English Version)
Table 3.30: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Tenure of present work location (English Version)
Table 3.31: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Monthly rent of the present work location (English Version)
Table 3.32: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Duration of establishment located in the present work location (English Version)
Table 3.33: Arts, cultural and creative uses - History of establishment located in Kowloon East (English Version)
Table 3.34: Arts, cultural and creative uses – Reasons for choosing / expanding at the present work location (English Version)
Table 3.35: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of location (English Version)
Table 3.36: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Satisfaction level of the present location in respect of each factor and overall satisfaction (English Version)
Table 3.37: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of building (English Version)
Table 3.38: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Satisfaction level of the present building in respect of each factor and overall satisfaction (English Version)
Table 3.39: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Expected changes of the establishments in the coming 5 years (English Version)
Table 3.40: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires (English Version)
Table 3.41: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Major reasons for expecting to leave the present work location (English Version)
Table 3.42: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Preferred location if deciding to relocate in the future (English Version)
Table 3.43: Arts, cultural and creative uses – The most important factor and reason for preferring the most preferred district in HK if deciding to relocate in the future (English Version)
Table 3.44: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Type of building that was most preferred if deciding to relocate in the future (English Version)
Table 3.45: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Reasons for the preference for moving to industrial building in the future (English Version)
Table 3.46: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Building type (English Version)
Table 3.47: Co-working space establishment or business centre - District (English Version)
Table 3.48: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Industry mainly engaged in (English Version)
Table 3.49: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Major functions / operations in the present work location (English Version)
Table 3.50: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Number of persons who worked in the present work location (English Version)
Table 3.51: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Tenure of present work location (English Version)
Table 3.52: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Monthly rent of the present work location (English Version)
Table 3.53: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Duration of establishment located in the present work location (English Version)
Table 3.54: Co-working space establishment or business centre - History of establishment located in Kowloon East (English Version)
Table 3.55: Co-working space establishment or business centre – Reasons for choosing / expanding at the present work location (English Version)
Table 3.56: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of location (English Version)
Table 3.57: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Satisfaction level of the present location in respect of each factor and overall satisfaction (English Version)
Table 3.58: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of building (English Version)
Table 3.59: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Satisfaction level of the present building in respect of each factor and overall satisfaction (English Version)
Table 3.60: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Expected changes of the establishments in the coming 5 years (English Version)
Table 3.61: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires (English Version)
Table 3.62: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Major reasons for expecting to leave the present work location (English Version)
Table 3.63: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Preferred location if deciding to relocate in the future (English Version)
Table 3.64: Co-working space establishment or business centre – The most important reason of preferring the most preferred district in HK if deciding to relocate in the future (English Version)
Table 3.65: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Type of building that was most preferred if deciding to relocate in the future (English Version)
Table 3.66: New wholesale conversion building - Duration of locating in the present work location by building type (English Version)
Table 3.67: New wholesale conversion building - Location of the previous work location by building type (English Version)
Table 3.68: New wholesale conversion building - Type of building previously located in / expanded from by building type (English Version)
Table 3.69: New wholesale conversion building - Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of building by building type (English Version)
Table 3.70: New wholesale conversion building - Internal floor area of the present work location by building type (English Version)
Table 3.71: New wholesale conversion building - Industry mainly engaged in by building type (English Version)
Table 3.72: New wholesale conversion building - Major functions / operations in the present work location by building type (English Version)
Table 3.73: New wholesale conversion building - Satisfaction level of the present building in respect of each factor by building type (English Version)
Table 3.74: New wholesale conversion building - Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires by building type (English Version)
Table 3.75: New wholesale conversion building – The most important factor and reason for expecting to leave the present work location by building type (English Version)
Table 3.76: New wholesale conversion building - Type of building that was most preferred if deciding to relocate in the future by building type (English Version)
Table 4.1: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Building type and district (English Version)
Table 4.2: Comparison with the 2011 Survey – Industry mainly engaged in (English Version)
Table 4.3: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Major functions / operations in the present work location (English Version)
Table 4.4: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Major functions / operations of manufacturing industry (English Version)
Table 4.5: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Tenure of present work location (English Version)
Table 4.6: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Monthly rent of the present work location (English Version)
Table 4.7: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Duration of establishment located in the present work location (English Version)
Table 4.8: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - History of establishment located in Kowloon East (English Version)
Table 4.9: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Top 3 reasons for leaving / not expanding at the previous work location (English Version)
Table 4.10: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Comparison between the present work location and the previous one (English Version)
Table 4.11: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Top 3 reasons for choosing / expanding at the present work location (English Version)
Table 4.12: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Satisfaction level of the present location in respect of each factor and overall satisfaction (English Version)
Table 4.13: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Satisfaction level of the present building in respect of each factor and overall satisfaction (English Version)
Table 4.14: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Expected changes of the establishments in the coming 5 years (English Version)
Table 4.15: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires (English Version)
Table 4.16: Comparison with the 2011 Survey – The most important factor and reason for expecting to leave the present work location (English Version)
Table 4.17: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Preferred location if deciding to relocate in the future (English Version)
Table 4.18: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Type of building that was most preferred if deciding to relocate in the future (English Version)
Table 2.1: Building completion year by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.2: Industry mainly engaged in by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.3: Industry mainly engaged in by district (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.4: Industry mainly engaged in by building completion year (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.5: Major functions / operations in the present work location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.6: Major functions / operations in the present work location by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.7: Location(s) of service targets / clients by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.8: Location(s) of service targets / clients by major functions / operations (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.9: Internal floor area of the present work location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.10: Internal floor area of the present work location by district (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.11 Estimated total internal floor area of all establishments by building type and district (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.12: Internal floor area of the present work location by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.13: Estimated total internal floor area of all establishments by building type and industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.14: Primary function / operation in the present work location by internal floor area (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.15: Number of persons who worked in the present work location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.16: Number of persons who worked in the present work location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.17: Number of persons who worked in the present work location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.18: Number of persons who worked in the present work location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.19: Internal floor area per person who worked in the present work location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.20: Internal floor area per person who worked in the present work location by district (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.21: Internal floor area per person who worked in the present work location by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.22: Internal floor area per person who worked in the present work location by primary function / operation (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.23: Work arrangement by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.24: Work arrangement by district (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.25: Work arrangement by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.26: Tenure of the present work location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.27: Tenure of the present work location by district (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.28: Tenure of the present work location by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.29: Tenure of the present work location by internal floor area (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.30: Monthly rent of the present work location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.31: Monthly rent of the present work location by district (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.32: Monthly rent of the present work location by building completion year (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.33: Monthly rent of the present work location by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.34: Monthly rent of the present work location by primary function / operation (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.35: Monthly rent of the present work location by Internal floor area (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.36: Whether the present work location was the head office by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.37: Whether the present work location was the head office by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.38: Whether the present work location was the head office by major functions / operations (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.39: Whether managed office / work station in the Mainland China by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.40: Duration of locating in the present work location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.41: Duration of locating in the present work location by district (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.42: Duration of locating in the present work location by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.43: Duration of locating in the present work location by tenure (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.44: History of locating in the present work location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.45: History of locating in the present work location by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.46: History of locating in the present work location by tenure (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.47: History of locating in the present work location by duration of locating in the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.48: Location of the previous work location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.49: Location of the previous work location by duration of locating in the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.50: History of locating in Kowloon East by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.51: History of locating in Kowloon East by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.52: History of locating in Kowloon East by duration of locating in the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.53: Type of building previously located in / expanded from by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.54: The most important factor and reason of leaving / not expanding at the previous work location by history of locating in Kowloon East (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.55: Major factors/reasons of leaving/not expanding at the previous work location – by type of building previously located in / expanded from (establishments currently located in industrial buildings) (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.56: Major factors/reasons of leaving/not expanding at the previous work location – by type of building previously located in / expanded from (establishments currently located in office buildings) (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.57: Comparison between the present work location and the previous one by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.58: Comparison between the present work location and the previous one by district (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.59: Comparison between the present work location and the previous one by history of locating in Kowloon East (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.60: The most important factor and reason of choosing / expanding at the present work location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.61: The most important factor and reason of choosing / expanding at the present work location by district (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.62: The most important factor and reason of choosing / expanding at the present work location by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.63: The most important factor and reason of choosing / expanding at the present work location by tenure (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.64: The most important factor and reason of choosing / expanding at the present work location by history of locating in Kowloon East (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.65: Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.66: Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of location by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.67: Satisfaction level of the present location in respect of each factor by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.68: Satisfaction level of the present location in respect of each factor by district (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.69: Satisfaction level of the present location in respect of each factor by history of locating in Kowloon East (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.70: Overall satisfaction level towards the present location by district (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.71: Overall satisfaction level towards the present location by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.72: Overall satisfaction level towards the present location by history of locating in Kowloon East (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.73: Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of building by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.74: Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of building by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.75: Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of building by major functions / operations (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.76 Satisfaction level of the present building in respect of each factor by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.77: Satisfaction level of the present building in respect of each factor by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.78: Satisfaction level of the present building in respect of each factor by major functions / operations (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.79: Overall satisfaction level towards the present building by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.80: Overall satisfaction level towards the present building by major functions / operations (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.81: Overall satisfaction level towards the present building by internal floor area (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.82: Overall satisfaction level towards the present building by monthly rent (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.83: Expected changes of the establishments in the coming 5 years by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.84: Expected changes of the establishments in the coming 5 years by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.85: Expected changes of the establishments in the coming 5 years by major functions / operations (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.86: Expected changes of the establishments in the coming 5 years by monthly rent (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.87: Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.88: Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires by district (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.89: Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.90: Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires by internal floor area (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.91: Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires by monthly rent (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.92: Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires by history of locating in Kowloon East (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.93: Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires by overall satisfaction level towards the present location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.94: Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires by overall satisfaction level towards the present building (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.95: The most important factor and reason for expecting to leave the present work location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.96: The most important factor and reason for expecting to leave the present work location by district (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.97: Most important factor and reason for expecting to leave the present work location by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.98: Most important factor and reason for expecting to leave the present work location by history of establishment located in Kowloon East (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.99: Preference for Hong Kong / other places outside Hong Kong if deciding to relocate in the future by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.100: Preference for Hong Kong / other places outside Hong Kong if deciding to relocate in the future by major functions / operations (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.101: Preference for Hong Kong / other places outside Hong Kong if deciding to relocate in the future by overall satisfaction level towards the present location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.102: Preferred districts in Hong Kong if deciding to relocate in the future by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.103: Preferred districts in Hong Kong if deciding to relocate in the future by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.104: Preferred districts in Hong Kong if deciding to relocate in the future by major functions / operations (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.105: Preferred districts in Hong Kong if deciding to relocate in the future by history of locating in Kowloon East (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.106: Preferred districts in Hong Kong if deciding to relocate in the future by overall satisfaction level towards the present location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.107: The most important factor and reason of moving to the most preferred location in Hong Kong if deciding to relocate in the future by most preferred district if deciding to relocate (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.108: Type of building that was most preferred if deciding to relocate in the future by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.109: Type of building that was most preferred if deciding to relocate in the future by district (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.110: Type of building that was most preferred if deciding to relocate in the future by industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.111: Type of building that was most preferred if deciding to relocate in the future by major functions / operations (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 2.112: Reason(s) for the preference for moving to industrial building by primary function/operation (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.1: Manufacturing industry – Building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.2: Manufacturing industry – District (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.3: Manufacturing industry - Building completion year (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.4: Manufacturing industry - Detailed manufacturing activities (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.5: Manufacturing industry - Major functions / operations in the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.6: Manufacturing industry - Internal floor area of the present work location by major functions/operations (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.7: Manufacturing industry - Number of persons who worked in the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.8: Manufacturing industry - Tenure of present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.9: Manufacturing industry - Monthly rent of the present work location by major functions/operations (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.10: Manufacturing industry - Duration of establishment located in the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.11: Manufacturing industry - History of establishment located in Kowloon East (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.12: Manufacturing industry - Reasons for choosing / expanding at the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.13: Manufacturing industry - Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.14: Manufacturing industry - Satisfaction level of the present location in respect of each factor and overall satisfaction (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.15: Manufacturing industry - Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of building (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.16: Manufacturing industry - Satisfaction level of the present building in respect of each factor and overall satisfaction (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.17: Manufacturing industry - Expected changes of the establishments in the coming 5 years (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.18: Manufacturing industry - Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.19: Manufacturing industry - Major reasons for expecting to leave the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.20: Manufacturing industry - Preferred location if deciding to relocate in the future (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.21: Manufacturing industry - The most important factor and reason for preferring the most preferred district in HK if deciding to relocate in the future (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.22: Manufacturing industry - The most important factor and reason for considering to relocate to other places outside HK (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.23: Manufacturing industry - Type of building that was most preferred if deciding to relocate in the future (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.24: Manufacturing industry – Reasons for the preference for moving to industrial building in the future (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.25: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.26: Arts, cultural and creative uses – District (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.27: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Primary function / operation in the present work location – By tenure (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.28: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Internal floor area of the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.29: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Number of persons who worked in the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.30: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Tenure of present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.31: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Monthly rent of the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.32: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Duration of establishment located in the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.33: Arts, cultural and creative uses - History of establishment located in Kowloon East (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.34: Arts, cultural and creative uses – Reasons for choosing / expanding at the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.35: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.36: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Satisfaction level of the present location in respect of each factor and overall satisfaction (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.37: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of building (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.38: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Satisfaction level of the present building in respect of each factor and overall satisfaction (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.39: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Expected changes of the establishments in the coming 5 years (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.40: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.41: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Major reasons for expecting to leave the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.42: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Preferred location if deciding to relocate in the future (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.43: Arts, cultural and creative uses – The most important factor and reason for preferring the most preferred district in HK if deciding to relocate in the future (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.44: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Type of building that was most preferred if deciding to relocate in the future (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.45: Arts, cultural and creative uses - Reasons for the preference for moving to industrial building in the future (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.46: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.47: Co-working space establishment or business centre - District (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.48: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Industry mainly engaged in (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.49: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Major functions / operations in the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.50: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Number of persons who worked in the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.51: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Tenure of present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.52: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Monthly rent of the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.53: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Duration of establishment located in the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.54: Co-working space establishment or business centre - History of establishment located in Kowloon East (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.55: Co-working space establishment or business centre – Reasons for choosing / expanding at the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.56: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.57: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Satisfaction level of the present location in respect of each factor and overall satisfaction (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.58: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of building (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.59: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Satisfaction level of the present building in respect of each factor and overall satisfaction (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.60: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Expected changes of the establishments in the coming 5 years (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.61: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.62: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Major reasons for expecting to leave the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.63: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Preferred location if deciding to relocate in the future (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.64: Co-working space establishment or business centre – The most important reason of preferring the most preferred district in HK if deciding to relocate in the future (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.65: Co-working space establishment or business centre - Type of building that was most preferred if deciding to relocate in the future (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.66: New wholesale conversion building - Duration of locating in the present work location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.67: New wholesale conversion building - Location of the previous work location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.68: New wholesale conversion building - Type of building previously located in / expanded from by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.69: New wholesale conversion building - Perceived level of importance of factors influencing the choice of building by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.70: New wholesale conversion building - Internal floor area of the present work location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.71: New wholesale conversion building - Industry mainly engaged in by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.72: New wholesale conversion building - Major functions / operations in the present work location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.73: New wholesale conversion building - Satisfaction level of the present building in respect of each factor by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.74: New wholesale conversion building - Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.75: New wholesale conversion building – The most important factor and reason for expecting to leave the present work location by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 3.76: New wholesale conversion building - Type of building that was most preferred if deciding to relocate in the future by building type (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 4.1: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Building type and district (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 4.2: Comparison with the 2011 Survey – Industry mainly engaged in (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 4.3: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Major functions / operations in the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 4.4: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Major functions / operations of manufacturing industry (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 4.5: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Tenure of present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 4.6: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Monthly rent of the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 4.7: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Duration of establishment located in the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 4.8: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - History of establishment located in Kowloon East (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 4.9: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Top 3 reasons for leaving / not expanding at the previous work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 4.10: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Comparison between the present work location and the previous one (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 4.11: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Top 3 reasons for choosing / expanding at the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 4.12: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Satisfaction level of the present location in respect of each factor and overall satisfaction (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 4.13: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Satisfaction level of the present building in respect of each factor and overall satisfaction (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 4.14: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Expected changes of the establishments in the coming 5 years (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 4.15: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Possibility of leaving the present work location in the coming 5 years / when the lease expires (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 4.16: Comparison with the 2011 Survey – The most important factor and reason for expecting to leave the present work location (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 4.17: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Preferred location if deciding to relocate in the future (Traditional Chinese Version)
Table 4.18: Comparison with the 2011 Survey - Type of building that was most preferred if deciding to relocate in the future (Traditional Chinese Version)
Survey on Business Establishments in Kowloon East 2018API Available